We're not just another supplier, we're part of your team

We’re a company specialised in digital marketing that eschews the term digital marketing.

We want to help you generate more business and our whole team is focused on achieving that goal.

B2B Soul

We are born industrial, and digital by nature

We know the peculiarities of your purchasing decision makers and how they behave in the digital environment.

Strategic mind

We pull in the same direction as your strategic plan

We’ll be right with you, understanding your business and with the goal of turning your challenges into measurable success.

Better together

We’re looking for projects we love

We work as a single team. And if what you’re looking for is to be independent, we’ll train you to lead the project yourself.

Results obsess

We focus on what’s important: the result

We know that website visits and followers on social networks won’t pay wages.

The team that makes it possible


Urko De la Torre



Ian Blanco

Managing Partner


Raúl Ruiz

Success Manager


Gorka Lasa

Activation Manager


Sonia Guardado

Activation Specialist


Belén Astofi

Storytelling Manager


Julián Sarria

Internal operations


We're looking for talent

+34 670 930 295