Legal notice

In accordance with the Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002 on Services of the Information Society, we hereby Information Society, we hereby inform that the Internet domain  is owned by ADI Revolution, S.L. Internet domain is owned by ADI Revolution, S.L. (B10769123), with registered office at Bidebarrieta Street 11, 5ºC left staircase, Iurreta (48215), Bizkaia (Spain), e-mail address [email protected], and telephone 670 93 02 95.

Mercantile Register entry data: Volume 6092, Folio 202, Section 8, Sheet BI 78876, Inscription: I/A 1

ADI Revolution, S.L. (hereinafter, the company) is a consulting company specialized in Industrial and B2B Digital Marketing.

The website located at (hereinafter the “Website”) is a website owned by ADI Revolution, S.L. (hereinafter the “Company”) is a website owned by the company. Those who visit and make use of this website are referred to as users (hereinafter referred to as, user).


1. General Terms and Conditions

The user has accessed this website voluntarily.

The user agrees to use it in accordance with the purpose of the website. The user may not use the information contained in this website in an unlawful manner, nor may he/she illicitly, nor carry out actions that may damage or alter the computer systems of the website systems of the same.

Users may not include and communicate false or misleading content to the company, other users or third parties. The user will be the only responsible for the damage that may be caused by the communication of this data.

Personal data of third parties may not be used without consent, as well as data identifying third parties with the intention of third parties with the intention of impersonating an identity or impersonating another person or entity.

The company makes every effort to avoid errors in the contents published on the website and published on the website, and reserves the right to modify it at any time. This website may provide links to other websites.

The company is not responsible for the pages of these links as it has no control over them, their

control over them, their content, the products or services they offer, etc.

The purpose of these services is to inform the user about other sources of information so that the user can access the content under his sole responsibility and under the terms of use of application.

The company does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the website that have been introduced by third parties and may alter the physical or electronic systems of the company.

However, it uses all the resources at its disposal to prevent this from occurring.

The company reserves the right to modify or delete, at any time and without prior notice or at any time and without prior notice or justification, the design, format and information contained on this website contained in this website if it deems it appropriate. The company disclaims any liability for any damage that may be caused by these modifications. Without notwithstanding the foregoing, it will use the resources at its disposal to inform users of such changes.


2. Intellectual and industrial property

The property rights of this website, its pages, sections, screens, the information it contains, its appearance and design, photographs, images, products and services, brands, trademarks, logos, slogans, etc., are the property of the company unless otherwise specified.

Accessing or browsing the site shall not constitute under any circumstances the waiver, transfer or total or partial license of the company to the user for the personal use of its industrial and intellectual property rights. The reproduction, distribution, commercialization and transformation of these works constitutes a violation of the company’s intellectual property rights. The unauthorized use of the information contained in this site, as well as the damage caused to the industrial and intellectual property intellectual property rights of its owners may lead to the exercise of the pertinent legal actions, and if applicable, the liabilities arising from the exercise of such derived from the exercise of such actions, including the economic consequences.


3. Modifications

These conditions are subject to change when the company deems it appropriate to adapt to legislative changes or to carry out other types of improvements.

These modifications will be valid from the moment they are published on this website. The company will use the resources at its disposal to inform users of the website about the changes made.


4. Jurisdiction

The relations established between the company and the user shall be subject to the stipulations of the current stipulations of the regulations in force on the legislation and jurisdiction of application.

However, in those cases in which the regulations stipulate the possibility that the parties belong to a specific the possibility that the parties belong to a specific jurisdiction, if the company and the user.

company and the user expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may be applicable to them, they will be subject to the courts of Bilbao (Biscay, Spain), except in the case of consumers, where the domicile corresponding to the consumer’s place of residence shall apply.

The company will prosecute any breach of this privacy policy, as well as any improper use of the features and contents presented on its website in the exercise of civil and criminal actions that may be by law, including those of an economic nature.


+34 670 930 295