Privacy policy

1. Data controller and purposes

Pursuant to the regulations on the protection of personal data (in particular, to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”), we hereby European Union 2016/679, hereinafter “GDPR”) hereby informs users that the personal data users that personal data provided by email, sent via web forms or by any other means or mechanism  available in this website will be incorporated to ADI REVOLUTION’s data processing system. Data processing system of ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. (data controller) for the following purposes: answer questions and doubts received, contact you, manage the services contact you, manage the services requested, carry out administrative formalities and send commercial and communications that may be of interest to you.

In case you have used the website to send your CV using the form provided for this purpose, the form provided for this purpose, the data controller will process your data to manage your application for future to manage your application for future selection processes of employees in ADI REVOLUTION S.L.


2. Retention period

The personal data provided will be kept for the duration of the relationship and, if applicable, for the relationship is maintained and for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.


3. Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is as follows:

Execution of a service contract (or pre-contract) when processing customer (or potential customer) data.

Consent of the interested party when processing general requests (contact form or CV). Legitimate interests of the data controller when executing direct marketing actions (commercial communications).

Fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the controller is subject (fraud prevention, communication to public administration, etc.).

In order to carry out the above-mentioned purposes, your data may be sent to companies collaborating with ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. in order to improve the service provided, always in compliance with the legislation on data protection. Your data may also be transferred to the tax authorities, banks and public administrations that have competence in the matter.

The treatment of your personal data will be carried out confidentially. ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. is committed to the privacy and protection of the personal data of users, and uses all the resources at its disposal to guarantee the security and privacy of the available to guarantee the security and privacy of the interested parties.


4. Collection of personal data

ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. does not require you to provide personal data to access the website.

However, there are contact forms whose use requires the interested party to provide personal information. The user provides his personal data freely and voluntarily. ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. does not ask for more personal information than the necessary to receive the requested service.

Those users who include in this page any kind of content (data, texts, videos, sound, photographs, graphics, messages or any other material) declares and guarantees that they do so in accordance with the terms and conditions expressed in the present text.

By virtue of the principle of data accuracy, the user will be able to communicate at any time to ADI REVOLUTION S.L. if there are any variations in his personal data, in order to keep them properly updated.

The sending of information through this website necessarily implies the express authorization of the data processing express authorization of the data processing described in this Privacy Policy.


5. Rights of interested parties

You can exercise your right to access, rectification, deletion, restriction, opposition and portability, your right not to be the subject of individual decisions, as well as to withdraw your automated individual decisions, your consent or to make any other request regarding this matter by writing to the data controller, ADI REVOLUTION, S.L., at Bidebarrieta Street 11, 5ºC staircase left,

Iurreta (48215), Bizkaia (Spain), or via e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

The competent control authority that you may contact if you are not satisfied with the resolution requested or wish to send a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


6. Security Measures

ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. will treat the personal data that are in its data processing system with the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee security and prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, It will take into account the state of the technology, the type of data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, or by the human action or by the physical or natural environment, in accordance with current applicable legislation in force for the security measures to process data containing personal information, specifically, the RGPD and its implementing regulation.


7. Traffic Data

In order to offer a better service through this website, the IP address of the user’s device may be registered to allow subsequent data processing and to analyze, among other aspects, the number of pages visited, the number of visits, and the activity of visitors/users of the website and their frequency of use.

Users are informed about the logging of their device’s IP address during connection and browsing of the navigation on the website without it being necessary to inform them each time they access the website.

For the purposes set out above, this website may be measured and analyzed by means of Google Analytics or similar tools that may use page markers and cookies to analyze what is happening on the different pages of the ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. website.


8. Links to social networks and web channels

This website offers links to social networks and external pages and channels (LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.). ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. disclaims any responsibility for these linked pages. Users who access

to social networks and external websites and channels related to ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. from the links on this website or in any other way are expressly informed in advance that the terms and conditions or regulations depend on the entities responsible for such social networks and websites and channels.


9. Data communications and international data transfers

As a general rule, personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligation.

In general, international data transfers will not be carried out.

In any case, should a transfer of data occur outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or another jurisdiction with laws

European Economic Area (EEA) or other jurisdiction with data protection laws equivalent to the GDPR, only the equivalent to the GDPR, such transfers will only take place if the applicable legal requirements for such transfers are met.

The legal requirements applicable to such transfers, such as the application of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or any other legally recognized Commission that guarantees an adequate level of data protection.


10. Validity

ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. reserves the right to modify its privacy policy in relation to its privacy policy in relation to its criteria or legislative or jurisprudence changes.

If any modification is made by the data controller, the new text must be published on this website in a visible place for the user. In any case, the relationship with the users must be governed by the regulations in force at the exact time the website is accessed.

For this reason, ADI REVOLUTION, S.L. recommends that you visit this privacy policy every time you connect to the website.

+34 670 930 295